Here is where the fun begins...well, since we already new our "condo" was good to go, we decided to go shopping for the day in Brandon since it was on our way south to Port Charlotte. (bad move on my part)
We pulled into Port Toilet, around 8:00pm...but just in time to notice that our "condo" was a complete and total DUMP!!!!!!!! It was horrible, so horrible in fact, I refused to stay there for even 1 night. I asked Cody to take us to a hotel until we figured out some place else to stay! I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves!
Don't you wanna stay at this "condo"!? Well, if you do, just fork over $1,600 dollars and it's all yours! :)
Lesson #1
Never take someone's word that advertises on Craigslist until you actually SEE the place for yourself in person!
Lesson #2
Never pay up front!!!! Ever!
Lesson #3
When you pray about something and you get a "bad feeling" about it! Know that it is GOD and RUN AWAY!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! the bedroom is GROSS... and the "laundry room"... yikes! and who in their right mind picks electric blue for kitchen counter tops? and i love the air freshener on the counter... as if that would HELP the place out any! so glad you didn't stay one hour there! did you laugh when you walked in, or were you like "oh heck no!"
love you guys & crossing our fingers for the montgomery biscuits!!!!!
when we walked in..I just cried!!! then told Cody we needed to find a hotel ASAP, one that I could sleep and bathe in where I didn't think I would catch a disease! :)
It all worked out!! Can't wait to see you guys!! WOo-Hoo! Not long now!
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