I have fallen in love with our youth group! I love their hearts, I love being goofy with everyone, I love beating the boys at ping pong, I love our "girl talks", I even love the tears when we have those serious talks. I will miss them so very much. Cody and I never dreamed we would become so attached and so quickly...they sure do grow on ya!
Cody and I are so excited on the other hand for Pastor Jim and Joy to take over! What amazing people for the job!! We will be praying for them and the youth expecting God to do greater things then we have ever seen before in this church!
Wednesday was such a wonderful ending to this chapter in our lives...we had a pizza party, a sweet note read to us, and a bunch of fun pictures!!! :) We love you guys and we will be thinking of you, praying for you, and looking forward to seeing ya'll when we get back!! Please call, write, email, stay in touch~!
My Little Rain Cloud :)
Lift Ministries Youth Group!
1 comment:
so... where are y'all off to? i figured the season is upon you - which team has the priviledge of having your hubby this year? (crossing our fingers that it's HERE! :)
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