I haven't written in almost a month and Asher has changed and is doing so much lately I have to update everyone!
The newest things he is saying, "Good boy!" every time he does something good or is just being good he gets lots and lots of praise, clapping and cheering from mommy and daddy, along with the saying "good boy asher!"
That baby is a sponge! He can repeat anything we ask him too! It's so fun! The other day we were reading a book, the book had a picture of a turtle in it. I pointed to the turtle and said, "Asher can you say turtle?" And he did!!! Except he pushed out both of his lips and said it in the sweetest little voice I have ever heard..."Tur-tle" with two syllables and an emphasis on the "T's", is was precious!
Things like this just make my heart melt! He is running now and becoming very adventurous! It's so neat to watch him play around the house, sit and turns the pages in a book, pull out all the Tupperware and "cook" with mommy.
He wants band aids on all the time, even when there are no "boo boo's" he wants one or four for each arm and leg!! He has a bruise on his head at least once a week, poor baby runs into everything!
He recently loves to push cars around the house and is learning how to send them rolling across the room! The ball however, is still is ultimate favorite toy!! He still throws EVERYTHING he gets his hands on, but is doing great with not throwing his food, and on occasion he will set his sippy cup down on the table instead of chunking it at someone or across the room!!
Asher loves the water! The bath is probably his favorite time of day! He loves for me to pump the baby body wash into his hands so he can wash his own hair, toes, and face! It's so funny how independent he is becoming already!
He uses a fork and spoon incredibly well for a 1yr old. I'm actually surprised at how much ends up in his mouth and not all over the floor! He is such a big boy!
I love that he wakes up and calls for "ma-ma" and when he is upset loves his "da-da"...he is truly loved and knows it and I love that!
I'm really happy he is able to be without me and not throw a fit or cry for me the whole time! I would be lying if I said that lately when he calls for me ALL THE TIME not crying just calls my name when he can't see me or he doesn't know where I am, my heart melts and I love every minute of it!
He love Veggie Tales, Cars, and the most recent fav Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!! :) It's so funny when the music comes on he sings and sways back and forth! My baby was born with some soul and I absolutely love it!!
Let's see what else!? :) I think that is pretty much it for now! I will be posting lots of pictures soon...I have a ton on my phone that need to be sent to my computer!