Life is flying by! My little boy is almost a 1yr old, I can't believe it! He is changing so much, growing to fast, and I wish I had a stop button! But since I don't I'm choosing to just savor every moment!October has been wonderful, we have a had great weather that we have really taken advantage of and really enjoyed being outdoors. Our church had an outing to a Pumpkin Patch and it was sooo much fun! We went on hay rides, toured a pumpkin patch, Cody picked me some amazing flowers, we ran through a scavenger hunt in a corn maze...it was a wonderful day!Asher is still moving around like crazy! Army crawling everywhere, I would put him up against any baby, that sweet thang can move!! He is starting to get his first tooth finally! One little one on the bottom, poor baby! But is otherwise doing great! He talks all the time, he can say, "Ma Ma, Da Da, and Ball!!! It's awesome, he throws everything he gets his hands on too! It's too funnY!