I really didn't get a chance to update everyone on how our sweet little boy is doing...he is growing so fast! Way to fast for me and Cody...we were just taking the other day about how we can remember every single detail about the day he was born and the day we brought him home.
Asher just turned 9 months old on September 5th...he is now saying, Ma Ma, Da Da, a wide variety of Childreneze! He has learned to wave "Bye Bye" with his hand instead of his whole arm, claps when he is excited or claps just because it's fun, slithers around on the ground like a snake to get where he wants to go, and when he gets tired of that he just rolls several times to reach the object he had in his sites!! It's sooo funny!!
He is starting to be pretty adventures in his diet also. For whatever reason he isn't all that interested in baby food any more, it's like he just decided one day he was tired of it and stared me down with drool dribbling down his chin at the food I was eating! So, I started giving him very small samples of what I was having...so far it's been really neat to see him "gum" things to dead before swallowing! Since he has NO teeth and doesn't show any signs of getting any time soon for now it works for him!!!
Asher is overall the best baby I could have ever asked for, Cody and I really have been so blessed. He sleeps anywhere from 10 to 11 hours, eats, goes back to sleep, and gets up around NOON!!! It's amazing...and the kid has a 2 1/2 hour nap during the day!! Sometimes...3hrs!!!
There are times where I'm not so lucky. About a week ago Asher got sick for the very FIRST time in 9months!! He didn't have a fever or anything just a clear runny nose, so I took him to the doctor and he said he had a small virus in his nose. After several days of antibiotics he was all better and back to his usual happy self!
Something else really exciting, ASHER IS PACIFIER FREE!!! I never did mind him having a pacifier until he started waking up at 5am for 4 days in a row! I took that "sucker" away COLD TURKEY and guess what, he has slept through the night EVER since!!! Now don't get me wrong, I should have taken it away at 6 months like every book I have read says. I know why now, he was miserable during the day. Nap time was the hardest for him my poor, sweet baby didn't know what hit him but it wasn't long before he figured out how to self-soothe. Life has been wonderful ever since!! When I see little boys at baseball game that can walk and are running around with a pacifier, for some reason it drives me nuts! So, we got rid of the "pacy" and we are all better for it!
Well, that's all I can think of for now...as he grows and starts doing more I'll keep everyone posted! :)